Q. How do I set up a dentist's holiday?
 To add or amend a holiday go to Setup Practitoners and Holidays.
Q. How do I open/close a day for appointments?
To change practitioner working hours you should add or amend an appointment book mask. See:
Q. How do I change the practice's opening hours?
Use the Setup Practice section to change general settings for the practice.
Q. How can I print a treatment estimate?
Treatment breakdowns can be printed directly from the patient's Charting and Clinical Notes section for both unfinished and "Done" items.
Q. A practitioner has booked a holiday, how can I contact patients to cancel their appointments?
Firstly, using the Filter Controls run a filter by date range. Select the date(s) in question and in "Date to use" select Appointment Date. Choose the practitioner and apply the filter. Next create a mailmerge to this filter - see: Creating a Mailmerge for instructions. As there is no default temptlate for cancelations you will have to create a new template.
Q. How can I find a list of all open treatment plans?
A report showing all currently open treatment plans can be found in Reports - Clinical Reports - Open Treatment Plans.
Q. How can I find a list of all patients who owe money
A list of all patients who owe money can be found in Reports Menu - People Who Owe Money.
Q.How can I send recall reminders to patiets who need to re-book?
For instructions on using the recall system in PearlPlus see: How to Recall Patients.